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The Amityville Horror

Started by Beef, April 30, 2005, 07:19:41 PM

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I am a dumbass.

VJ and I decided to catch a couple of flicks today, so in addition to HG2G, the other thing we agreed upon was Amityville.  I have no issue with them remaking the film, as the original left vast amounts of room for improvement.

The thing is, my anxiety levels were very high earlier.  I was having issues on the drive up and I wasn't the one driving.  I had never sat through a horror film while having an anxiety attack.

I will never, ever watch this film again.  I jumped, cringed, and sat in abject terror waiting for every little horrific thing to happen.  Twice I had to force myself to remain in my seat and not leave and wait out the rest of the film hanging out in the lobby.

I don't know if it is good or not.  I want to say that it is, but I can't say for sure how much of what I felt was the film and how much was me.  I am betting it was mostly me.  That said, I haven't been that scared or freaked out by a film in a long, long time.

It's amusing to me that horror, my favorite narrative genre, is by and large unable to get to me due to having been subjected to so much of it.  One panic attack was all it took to get me to react to a horror film in the manner I think you're supposed to react.  I can't say I enjoyed it at the time.  All I wanted to do was run.

Ryan Reynolds, who was not on my good list after sitting through Blade: Trinity, surprised the heck out of me in the film.  He was believable in his slow fade into madness.  His snarky humor was mostly set aside and what little did get through didn't detract from the role.  I will admit to being impressed and interested in further dramatic outings he does.

No one else in the film has much to do.

So, again, thanks to a panic attack the film worked perfectly on me.  The very thought of watching it again freaks me out right now, and as far as I'm concerned I will not be watching it again.



I never saw the first movie, but I read the book when I was pretty young and just remember flies and pigs and being freaked out.


the first one didn't really freak me out. i hope this one does.  :)


I saw the first one years ago. I've never seen Ryan Reynolds in a non-comedic role, and I always hoped he wouldn't be good in anything other than comedy so he'd stick to it.
Underneath this flabby exterior is an enormous lack of character.