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Where to buy an xbox 360

Started by snizwilk, November 13, 2005, 09:01:05 PM

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If you are planning on buying one on launch day or before christmas for that matter the two best options are:  1) CompUSA and 2) Costco.

The reason; neither do pre-orders.  Most people go to gamestop, frys, target, walmart etc... and compusa is usually the last place to sell out.  The manager at Costco told me that they would be stocked for at least 3 days after launch and would then get shipments in every week.  The downside is you have to buy one of the bundle packs that may have some games that you don't want. 

I checked out a dev kit last Friday and it is truly BAD ASS. 


Walmart here in town has had one running for a little over a week.  I drooled much that day.  But I think I'm going to wait until more titles come out to get one.  Probably after the first of the year.
11:42:24 [Gamplayerx] I keep getting knocked up.
11:42:28 [Gamplayerx] Er. OUT!


eBay has people selling their preorders. They're ending up selling for over $800. I should preorder about 20 PS3s and sell them that way.
Underneath this flabby exterior is an enormous lack of character.


my plan is to go to meijer at 7 pm, and wait until midnight, when they start selling them. they only have ten, so if there are ten people waiting, i'm outta there, and will try target the next morning. they only have twenty, and they open at 8 am.


Don't you people kick yourselves when 6 months after you HAD to have it on the day it comes out, they drop the price by 1/3rd?  Why does everyone have to have it instantly?  I saw a kid playing one at target.  It was an FPS.  I watched him look around for people to kill and get bored with it within about 15 seconds when he didn't find anyone.  Spectacular graphics, but the draw of that lasted about 15 seconds.  I played Perfect Dark with my nephew for several hours yesterday, thinking how the 8 or 9 year old technology created something WAY more playable than HALO.  Better levels, better weapons, way way more weapons, more configurable controls,  configurable simulants, different scenarios.  And yet, HALO sells.  I just don't get it.


we should have kept the quote pyramid up to rape Jessie in the face.


I won't be getting one.  I'm pretty sure the roomie will be getting one though.